Special education discipline rights for unidentified students

Get out of our school district (credit: thebiggestnews.com)


School discipline is more complex than many people might think. At the end of the day, it is a legal process governed by state and federal laws. As with all creatures of law, the questions that come up can be quite complex. One particularly thorny issue is when a school disciplines a child who is not labeled as special education but for whom there exists a basis for reasonable suspicion that the student might indeed be a special needs student. Read the rest of my Examiner.com article here.

Cyberbullying education should begin at younger age research suggests

A study conducted by the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) looking at the role technology in cyberbullying has shown that students are gaining complete access to the internet at earlier ages. The increased access is occurring at a time when bullying, particularly for young girls, reaches some of its highest levels of incidence.

Read the rest of my article here.